What We Provide

Steven D. Beck has over 20 years of experience in Audio Forensics:
Expert Witness testimony in court
Audio evidence analysis
Earwitness (physics and psychoacoustics) analysis
Writing technical reports and affidavits
Beck Audio Forensics is a leader in Audio and Acoustic Signal Analysis:
Gunshot Acoustics
Voice Signal Processing
Background Sound Analysis
Array Source Localization
Audio Dosimetry

Beck Audio Forensics has designed some of the largest voice and gunshot data collections for the U.S. government, as well as case-specific experiments for gathering empirical evidence
Mr. Steven D. Beck is an established expert in Audio Forensics, has appeared in court as an Expert Witness, and authored numerous Court Affidavits. He is an active member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), the Acoustical Society of America (ASA), and the Audio Engineering Society (AES).
Masters in Electrical Engineering, Rice University, 1982
Bachelors of Science in Electrical Engineering, Rice University, 1981
Peer Reviewed Publications:
S.D. Beck, “Who Fired When - Associating Multiple Audio Events from Uncalibrated Recorders”, Proceedings of the AES International Conference on Audio Forensics, Porto, PT (2019).
S.D Beck, “A Short-Time Cross Correlation with Application to Forensic Gunshot Analysis”, Proceedings of the AES International Conference on Audio Forensics, Porto, PT (2019).
D.R. Begault, S.D. Beck, R.C. Maher, “Overview of Forensic Audio Gunshot Analysis Techniques,” Proceedings of the AES International Conference on Audio Forensics, Porto, PT (2019) .
S.D. Beck, “Physics and Psychoacoustics Related to Forensic Earwitness Accounts”, Proceedings of the AES International Conference on Audio Forensics, Washington D.C. (2017).
S.D. Beck, H. Nakasone, and K. Marr, “Variations in Recorded Acoustic Gunshot Signals,” J. Acous. Soc. Am., April, 2011.
S.D. Beck, H. Nakasone, and K. Marr, “Forensic Gunshot Acoustics,” Acoustical Society of America Conference, San Diego CA., Nov 3, 2011
S.D. Beck, H. Nakasone, and J. Kalb, “Forensic Gunshot Acoustics: Signal Characterization and Modeling,” Acoustical Society of America Conference, Atlanta GA., May 31, 2000
B. Koenig, S. Hoffman, H. Nakasone, and S.D. Beck, "Signal Convolution of Recorded Free-Field Gunshot Sounds," J. Audio Eng. Soc., Vol. 46, No. 7/8, 1998 July/August.
J. Harmse, S.D. Beck, and H. Nakasone, “Speaker Recognition Score Normalization to Compensate for SNR and Duration”, Odyssey 2006 Workshop on Speaker and Language Recognition, San Juan, Puerto Rico, June 2006.
S.D. Beck, R. Schwartz, H. Nakasone, “A Bilingual Voice Corpus for Speaker and Language Recognition Services,” 2004: A Speaker Odyssey, The Speaker Recognition Workshop, Toledo, Spain, June, 2004.
H. Nakasone and S.D. Beck, “Forensic Automatic Speaker Recognition,” 2001: A Speaker Odyssey, The Speaker Recognition Workshop, Crete, Greece, June, 2001.
S.D. Beck, L. Deuser, and J. Ghosh, "Robust Classification Techniques for Acoustic Signal Analysis", Proceedings of the IEEE Signal Processing Workshop on Statistical Signal and Array Processing, 7-9 October 1992.
S.D. Beck, L. Deuser, R. Still, and J. Whiteley, "A Hybrid Acoustic Classifier of Short Duration Signals" 1991 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Vol. I, 8-12 July 1991.